Vidwan-ID : 429052

Dr Nisha Velappan Nair

Assistant Professor
Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala

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Dr. Nisha Velappan Nair is an assistant professor at the School of Gandhian Thought and Development Studies, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics and an M.Phil. in Development Studies (Economics) from the School of Gandhian Thought and Development Studies, Mahatma Gandhi University. She has a Masters degree in Economics. She is a recipient of the UGC Dr. S Radhakrishnan Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Economic

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Dr Nisha Velappan Nair

School of Gandhian Thought and Development Studies PD Hills
Kottayam, Kerala, India - 686560


  • Assistant Professor

    School of Gandhian Thought and Development Studies

    Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala